Eier und Geflügel_eng


Eggs | Poultry

FrachtPilot - an opportunity for your business.

As an egg and poultry producer, you have everything under control with FrachtPilot.

With FrachtPilot, your customers can count on you. And you can count on them.


Merchandise management

The merchandise management in FrachtPilot includes detailed batch tracking, which allows you to always keep an eye on the best-before date. When you create a new batch, the quantity laid can be reported directly to the KAT association. This minimises your office time to the maximum.
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With the accounting you get the all-round carefree package. You create all your bills with just one click. No matter whether it's a single or collective invoice. No matter whether for one invoice recipient or for several invoice recipients. And, if necessary, to three decimal places. 
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Online shop

With the online shop, your customers can shop with you around the clock. Of course, your customers can also manage their contact details in the online shop and have access to their previous delivery notes and invoices. By setting an order deadline, you can ensure that you still have enough time to pack.  
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Tour planning

With tour planning, you can deliver to your customers in the best possible way. You can consider the individual delivery wishes of your customers as well as plan shorter and faster. Our algorithms also find a great solution for many delivery stops. So everything goes according to plan early in the morning.  
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Die Warenwirtschaft in FrachtPilot beinhaltet eine detaillierte Chargenverfolgung, mit denen du das MHD immer im Blick hast. Wenn du eine neue Charge anlegst, kann die Legemenge direkt an den KAT-Verband gemeldet werden. So minimierst du deine Bürozeit maximal.
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Mit der Abrechnung erhältst du das Rundum-sorglos-Paket. Du erstellst alle Rechnungen mit nur einem Klick. Egal, ob Einzel- oder Sammelrechnung. Egal, ob für einen Rechnungsempfänger oder ob für mehrere Rechnungsempfänger. Und, falls nötig, auf drei Nachkommastellen genau. 
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Mit dem Online-Shop können deine Kunden rund um die Uhr bei dir einkaufen. Natürlich können deine Kunden im Online-Shop auch ihre Kontaktdaten verwalten und haben Zugriff auf ihre bisherigen Lieferscheine und Rechnungen. Stelle über die Vorgabe eines Bestellschlusses sicher, dass du noch genug Zeit zum Packen hast. 
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Mit der Tourenplanung belieferst du deine Kunden optimal. Du kannst sowohl individuelle Lieferwünsche deiner Kunden berücksichtigen als auch kürzer und schneller planen. Auch bei vielen Lieferstopps finden unsere Algorithmen eine super Lösung. So läuft schon früh am Morgen alles nach Plan. 
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4 reasons for FrachtPilot

  • Automated control messages

    KAT and other control messages are important, but unfortunately also very time-consuming. Not any more with FrachtPilot! All control messages can be supported by a suitable data export.
    (learn more)

With FrachtPilot functions, it's child's play.

Direct marketing of eggs and poultry


Entering customer orders properly can get time-consuming very quickly. In FrachtPilot, this is done extremely easily and fast. Either your customers order in your FrachtPilot online shop (learn more) or you enter the customer orders into FrachtPilot with just a few entries via the order form (learn more).


You will love the time savings and the new order!


PS: Check out our help center for more information. (learn more)

Sales prices

The wish of every direct marketer: a uniform sales price for all customers. The reality: customers often negotiate their own sales prices. Sometimes to three decimal places and to the nearest gramme.


With FrachtPilot you have the right software. With one click, you can set up the negotiated sales price for each customer and each customer group, accurate to the nearest gramme and to three decimal places. Of course, price scales, quantity discounts and cash discounts are also possible.
(learn more)


PS: Check out our help center for more information. (learn more)

Merchandise management

Batch tracking in FrachtPilot is just the right thing for your direct egg and poultry marketing. Batch numbers can be assigned and tracked extremely easily in the enterprise resource planning system. Inspections are no longer a nightmare for you. (learn more)


PS: Check out our help center for more information. (learn more)

Control messages

Control reports are commonplace in direct egg and poultry marketing. Unfortunately, however, they are also very time-consuming. FrachtPilot has the right data export for control messages, such as those to the KAT association.


This way you can complete your control reports with just one click. (learn more)

Delivery tours

The delivery of eggs and slaughter poultry has a long tradition. Definitely an economically interesting mainstay. A necessary burden is the compilation of delivery routes and the paperwork involved in delivery. With FrachtPilot you finally have a software that supports you digitally and takes a lot of work off your hands.


With the tour planning function (learn more), FrachtPilot automatically compiles time- and cost-optimised delivery tours for you. With the delivery app (learn more), you have everything you need for documentation during your delivery in your pocket.


PS: Check out our help center for more information. (learn more)


A necessity and at the same time a burden – accounting! Not with FrachtPilot.


With one click you can create and send all your invoices (individual and collective). With one click you can reconcile account deposits with your open invoices. With one click you can send payment reminders and (multi-level) reminders. It couldn’t be simpler and tidier! (learn more)


PS: Check out our help center for more information. (learn more)

Intuitive handling

FrachtPilot is as intuitive as possible. The interface and operation are designed so that you can find your way around immediately. Experienced users can perfect the operation with search shortcuts and shortcuts. (learn more)


PS: Check out our help center for more information. (learn more)

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FrachtPilot Direktvermarktung Fleisch Software

Your direct marketing can do more:

FrachtPilot is the software for any industry that sells food regionally.

Milk, cheese, yogurt & co.

Meat & Butchery

Breweries & beverage distributors

Eggs & poultry

Bread & rolls

Fruit & vegetable

Deine Direktvermarktung kann mehr:

FrachtPilot ist die Software für jede Branche, die Lebensmittel regional verkauft.

Milch, Käse, Joghurt & Co.

Fleisch & Metzgerware

Brauereien & Getränkehändler

Eier & Geflügel

Brot & Brötchen

Obst- & Gemüsekiste

You don’t find yourself here? FrachtPilot is a true all-rounder and certainly suitable for your industry.
We will be happy to discuss how FrachtPilot fits you in a consultation.

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