Delivery app
Deliver like pros
Accompany your tours completely digitally.
Everything in your pocket with the delivery app. Even offline.

Real-time navigation
Let Google Maps navigate you unerringly to your customers. And if the order of the stops doesn't suit you, no problem! You can change the order as you wish. The resulting extra kilometres and times are displayed immediately.

Digital delivery note with barcode scanner
Use the delivery app to customise orders directly on site. You can scan barcodes directly from the app, document deposit returns, shortages and additional items and book payments (cash, EC and credit card payments).

Delivery confirmation
Your customer can sign for the delivery directly on their smartphone. If he/she is not there, you can simply take a photo of the delivery location. The signature and photo are immediately recorded on the delivery note.

So many advantages
With the delivery app, you are not only navigated unerringly, but you also always have all the important information, addresses and documents with you. Another plus point: the app also continues to work online if you don't have an internet connection. All you need is a mobile device with Android 8 or newer.

Get started immediately with your delivery service.
Delivery: Fully digital | optimal.
Delivery instructions and notes
Store important delivery information for customers. This means you have all the important information to hand for every delivery. Of course, you can also enter notes about your customers or future orders during delivery.
Delivery note and invoice by e-mail
On request, your customers can receive their delivery notes or invoices by email or fax immediately after delivery. This means you can invoice your customers promptly without any paper chaos and don’t have to wait until the end of the month.
Your drivers don’t speak German? No problem! The delivery app automatically uses the language of the menu navigation that the respective mobile phone uses. No more delivery errors because your driver had language difficulties!


API (interface)


POS system

Delivery app

Online shop with ordering app

Parcel shipping

Trial/single/subscription orders

Tour planning

Inventory management
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